Friday, December 17, 2010

Second Quarter Portfolio Blog Jog

Here is the link to my Blog Jog, enjoy:
What I Learned in the Second Quarter of English 10

What I Learned in the Second Quarter of English 10 Paragraph

In this quarter of my Sophomore year, I have learned a lot. In our second quarter we will learn even more and I am super excited to keep moving forward until I finally hit Junior year. I have had so much fun this quarter although I missed a week of school work. Although that happened I feel like I can still bring up my grades even though I feel like my mind is not here educationally. In Ms. Priester’s class I have learned a lot about computers and I feel super smart in using technology. Plus, writing online and posting things. My favorite; exciting part was being able to record information online. We even get to watch some news on Weekend Rap. As days, weeks, months goes by I feel like I am growing up so much and feel so smart. We have learned a lot about Literature and spending time reading, and most of our work was done on computer instead of writing. It has also made is more fun and interesting. I also am learning more from knowing how to use a computer, such as embedding things and uploading. Learning how to post something on is not only for school but when I have something to say, on my free time I like to write on my blog. My favorite website has to also be Google Docs. It is so much fun and really great to use for a lot of different assignments. I can even chat while doing my assignment, especially when it’s a partner assignment. Ms. Priester had provided many websites that we can use and it helped a lot. Without having this class I don’t think I would have known about using computers but go on Facebook and using my email. I feel like I can even teach adults the things they have never learn how to do. I feel like this have made us all mature and it feels like I am already graduating. But I have years to come and it feels so great, I can even type even faster than last year and the year before that. I like that Ms. Priester has done all this online and I can use this whenever I want.