Thursday, January 6, 2011

Third Quarter Goals

My greatest accomplishment of 2010 is understanding more of what I was learning and feeling like I was on top of everything, to where I felt I could teach someone something I learned in this school year . The reason why I achieved that, is because I asked for help and payed attention to what I was learning and I also helped people who did not understand the assignment. My goal for this quarter is to get a good grade in almost all my classes, I hope to get a C and above. The things I will do to achieve this is: Study everyday until that test comes, pay attention in class at all times, and finish my classwork and homework on time. I can not wait to learn new things this quarter!


  1. I liked how you implied the questions in your answers.

  2. I like your goals and how your excited to learn good for you chanda keep it up.
