Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Purpose of 'The Pedestrian."

In the book, “The Pedestrian”, Ray Bradbury’s wrote a short story in about THE FUTURE in the 2053. Bradbury's`s purpose of writing this story was warning us. In “The Pedestrian”, Bradbury`s wrote about a guys life in 2053 and it was not great, it was horrible. Everyone stayed in their houses and no one really hung out with each other anymore. The world seemed more quiet than usual, and no one walked outside anymore except Mr. Leonard Mead. As you can see, our assignment last night was to write about how the future would be in 2053. The story in “The Pedestrian” was a bad experience into the future of 2053 and when we were asked to write about the future in 2053 as an assignment; most of our classmates and students wrote about how technology is way better and they wrote how awesome it will be. Bradbury`s story wasn`t a good experience at all, Mr. Mead got arrested just walking alone of the streets. The world in what Mr. Lead experience was lonely, sad, and no one walked around. Bradbury`s story is just trying to tell us that life in the future is not going to be all fun and happy; it`s going to be worse than ever.

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