Friday, September 10, 2010

Vocabulay Short Story

Jaylie and Ken were always best friends, they always had problems in trusting each other. They live next to each other since the 6th grade , four blocks down. One day there was a big ballyhoo in the autortorium in shool and Ken wa looking for Jaylie. Jaylie was being zanny in the back autorturium with this boy name Tim who ken hates. Ken got mad and throw a neclace that was a relic tradtiton from Jaylie since they were little. Jaylie was being a big stickler when Ken ignored her phone calls. Jaylie hoard the phone at home, becasue she was worried that he would call and she would miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Chanda, some of the vocabulary words are not used correctly. Remember to proofread and edit your work before posting it. There are many errors that are causing you to lose points. :(
