Tuesday, October 19, 2010

“’The Storyteller’ - Memorable Books from My Childhood.”

1.)Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak**
2.)Clifford, the Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell *
3.)The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle***
4.)Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin, Jr.****
5.)Corduroy by Don Freeman*****

The book call Corduroy by Don Freeman was my favorite book when I was younger. Corduroy is the bears name, he is lonely and sad because no one would buy him. No one would buy him because he has a missing button. While Corduroy searches everywhere for his button, he finds a little girl who wants him but not his button. Corduroy did not find his button but found someone who loves him for who he is, even though he has a missing button. This book captured my interest because you don`t have to fix your personality or looks for someone to love you. They should love you for who you`re, just like Corduroy; you just have to be patient.


  1. I love the book Clifford the Big Red Dog. I use to wake up everymorning extra early just to watch that show on pbs kids. :)

  2. I like the first book on your list it is kinda creepy but I still like it. Great job!
