Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kids in the Mud Scene

Scene one

Character: Kailey-Mai Crenshaw, 7 years old.

Character: Jordan ken Myatt, 8 years old.

Setting: Near the trailer at the beach, living in Idaho, Boise.

At rise: Kailey and Jordan laughing and smiling at each other.

Kailey: You're so funny! Your my best friend.
Jordan: Thanks your funny too. I like you.
Kailey: [blushing, she covers her face] I like you too Jordan.
Jordan: Can we kiss? I see my mommy and daddy do it all the time.
Kailey: I don't know how you?
Jordan: We can try!
Kailey and Jordan: Mmmm..I don't know.
Kailey: Jinks you owe me a Sunny D!
Jordan: Awwe man! You win.
Kailey and Jordan playing in the sand, throws sand on her feet.
Kailey: [smiling] she looks at Jordan.
Jordan kisses her.
Kailey: [gasp, starts laughing]
[Holding hands, they both laughed]

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thats cute. I think that was one of the best one's I have read. Good job, I do wish this could have continued.
