Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quote, Summary, or Paraphrase Paragraph

Welcome students! Today, I am going to teach you about how to record evidence, when to summarize and what a summary is, when to use a quote and what a quote is, and when to paraphrase and what a paraphrase is. Evidence is a text that you found in a reliable source that will help to answer your focus question. Summary is a long section of text, you would want to use it when it is a short written paragraph. It is to retell the main ideas in the story, using fewer words. You want to use a quote if it is a short an simple section of text that you can find easily to t in your own words. Quote is something that someone said and you will have to use theses signs “ “. Paraphrase is ti retell the ides using your on words, you would want to use it if it a short and simple section of text that you can easily put in your own words. To help you remember this, I highly recommend you study.


  1. From this post I learned that you can learn how to paraphrase lot's of things by breaking them down and putting them in your own words.

  2. I like that you showed you students what quotation marks look like.
