Monday, August 16, 2010

Free Write Blog Post

Today I went to work at 3:15 P.M. and got off at 4:55 P.M. to go to practice. The volleyball coaches were there and we knew today was going to be a long practice. I wasn`t all excited anymore because I was already tired from the running. Plus, P.E. made me even more tired because the nonstop exercise we did. The practice went on from 5:00 P.M. till 8:00 P.M. I was so exhausted and Hungary. All the drills we did today made my legs so sore, I felt like I was a noodle; but yet it was worth it. Luckily I didn`t have a lot of homework when I got home. I went straight to washing my hands and eating; a lot. I felt so bloated it made me look pregnant.


  1. Hi Chanda i like your blog. It sounds like u were reallly tierd that day.

  2. Yeah, I totally agree with you P.E. does make you tired and then adding volleyball what a work out, haha I did that too!

  3. It sound like you weren't having a good day. I hope you make the team.
